I think I'm going to seriously regret wearing this chain today. Can you say t a n l i n e s..?
Today was stiflingly hot. Sat in the sand for only a bit before retreating and giving my skin some shade and TLC (aka cocoa butter).
As everyone well knows, NYC Fashion Week is well underway. After talking to my industry friends who are giddy to flit from one show to the next, I had immediate envy. HOWEVER- my initial envy quickly simmered and a sense of peace overcame me. The whole reason for me leaving NY was because I was exhausted and drained of all that once made me who I am. After much reflection, I realized that, yes, I love fashion -- but not enough to work in it anymore. Fashion used to be my escape and if I didn't do something quick, it was going to be the demise of imagination and glee.
....And that, my darlings, is my thought for the day.
Oyyyy I'm boring myself.
I got a few of these crochet tops on ebay a while back and I'm stoked to finally wear them. They help bring out my hippy.dippy.
The boy has been on a kick of watching late-night chick flicks and it's quite worrisome.
Ok that's all. I'm off to make some aloe water. Should be interesting...
Crochet top- ebay, Bottom- VS, Shirt- Marshalls (old lady section & $3... chickachickayeaahhh), Necklace as body chain- H&M
i looovvvvveeeee thissss
I love the way you've worn the necklace. So creative!
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