It's so bright today I can barely open my eyes despite rocking sunnies.
I've realized that I already have a Hawaii uniform=
- Bikini or bandeau top
- Short little something.something to cover my derriere
- Pastels
I guess I'm finally living out my island wardrobe fantasy.
Today is Fashions Night Out in my prior homebase of NYC. I'm not at all P.O.ed I'm missing it but I have soldiers pounding the pavement on my behalf (and their own, naturally) anyway- so I'm there in spirit. Annnnywaaays.... Borrrriinng.
Am off on my new cruiser to the beach. I discovered a small beach close to our cottage and I'm stoked I won't have to trek if I feel like playing in the sand for only a short bit.
Scarf (worn as top)- Calypso, Skirt- Target, Sunnies- vendor on St. Marks
i DIE!!!!!! you are amazing i looooovveee u
Haha sounds scary! :) I found that picture at some blog, maybe hers? :)
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