Doesn't the cloud look like whipped cream atop Molokai?
Drove along Route 340 the other day.
Tons of gorgeous rocky cliffs like this... Makes for a long ride considering all the stopping I do to take in the scenery.
340 is literally- literally- beyond fortunate it is so breathtakingly beautiful, because it is the MOST dangerous road to drive on.
3/4 of the highway is one lane... One lane for both directions to share. Oh, and it's also teetering on the ocean's cliffs ridiculously high up.
I'm whining aren't I...
My apologies.
I'm most recently from NYC via Brooklyn, which means car service and the subway. Not death.trap rental cars on roads so treacherous not even the devil would travel.
I forgot to wear a bathing.suit that day and figured myself fortunate that I was wearing this bodysuit. Same idea, right?
Bodysuit- AA