I'm a crazy cat lady. But I'm OK with it. Those shall remain nameless who don't appreciate my little cottage pussies.
It's too hot to do research.
I just want to plop in front of the AC with a never.ending supply of popsicles and beer.
Seeking motivation... If you have any can I borrow some?
This tunic reminds me Phoebe and Stella era Chloe collections-- shamelessly infused with eyelet. MMMMM.
It's strange- I used to be able to do work anywhere. You could post me on a stool at a noisy bar, a cubby.desk in the university library, or my bed surrounded by pillows and blankets and I could concentrate easily. Now, with no structure or responsibilities of any capacity, I'd be dammed if I can get through a straight hour of reading etc. without needing a break or temporary distraction.
It's a horrible mockery of these free months I alloted myself.
No responsibilities apparently equal limited efficiency.
Tunic- vintage
super cute tunic!!! i wish there was hot weather hereeeeee.
gorgeous hair, legs and land. AHHHHH Hawaii and sun! =)
I absolutely LOVE your blog. all the images are so inspiring. my goal in life is to live in hawaii someday, when i'm there i feel at home and the happiest :)
your pictures remind me of this cozy 1 bedroom we rented on the north shore one summer :)
wow - your blog is amaaazing !
wish i could live on hawaii :D
Three months this way! ha ha ha you're lucky! I hope this lazy state change into surfing practice... why not??? you're so so lucky!
And really lovely tunic!
i really wish i could be able to concentrate on anything ... but i honestly have to be able to multi task or i can get anything done ..
thecatsa re pretty adorable .. i'm not much of a cat person myself so i always make fun of my friends , theres two f them who have cats .. but its all in good fun ...
I will NOT remain nameless!! One more and I'm boycotting.
i love the second photo, so cute:)
Love the lazy cat!
Mine's lazy right now on my bed:))
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