High.rises, innumerable hotels, bustling sidewalks, Chanel, Hermes, Fendi, Dior.... Restaurants open past 8pm.
It's been a pleasant change and I've really enjoyed being here but I do miss Maui and it's peaceful, relaxed vibe.
I was up all last night getting sick (I'll spare you the details) but since I'm a beacher-extraordinaire, I spent today basking in the sun on Waikiki Beach despite still feeling a bit queasy.
While I had my head in the toilet, the boy went out to get me ginger ale and crackers and on his journey back a group of prostitutes started hustling him and asking if he needed a date. Despite my pain, I died of laughter. Hookers in Hawaii have it all figured out- layout and surf all day and hustle at night without having to worry about how to stay warm in their profession's mandatory attire come the winter.
Oahu attracts a large number of tourists from Korea and Japan, and the boy could not be more excited because this means he can practice his Japanese via eavesdropping.
We will be eating breakfast and my sinking feelings that I'm being ignored are justified when I look at him and see him straining so as to not miss a single word, looks at me, and instantly apologizes and asks me what I said.
Sarong- Calypso
i love this and most of all love u. please return to me!
I like reading your posts:)... being a bit jealous right now, becouse here is only 2 degrees(!!) freezing.
You look stunning! Seriously...I want to look like that when summer rolls around here in Australia.
not an ocean view but the that view is so amazing! i love it.
Your cover up is gorgeous. Fabulous photos.
Love Grace.
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