purple rain

Singing "Purple Rain".
In purple pieces.
Tormenting the boy who is so earnestly trying to fix my computer.
His own fault, I say... He condones my bad behavior by documenting it.
And that's my day in a nutshell- sit out reading my delicious new book, come in for a quick sing-along, and drive my darling into pulling his hair out.
glitter days

Bed head.
One of my favorite habits I picked up in my time here, is sitting on the porch with a glass of lemon & aloe infused water every morning after rolling out of bed and where I get a feel for the weather and play with the cats.
(Lemon & aloe infused water is a recipe I became all too familiar with after making it for my old boss several times a week. Her doctor telling her to go on a vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free diet was the worst thing that ever happen to me).
(Crazy cat lady, I know).
Sadly, it's cloudy today.
I'm in a strange mood lately.
One part of me is so excited to go home in a month; to see my family & friends and get my life started in a new direction.
The other part of me is sad and unwilling to leave this little island I've come to love so much. I will miss the peace of mind it has given me and the sunshine.
Oh the sun the sun the sun the sun.
I know what weather awaits me in the Northeast, and I've decided to completely block all thought of it out until I'm actually there, freezing my ass off.
There has been more than one conversations between my mother and I where she's told me the temperature is below 30 degrees... All while I've been laying on the beach, perving on surfer boys.
Oh the humanity...
Alright, I'm off to fix myself some iced coffee.
boogie on reggae woman

Crochet pants.
I was sold by the open netting detail, garnished with colorful flowers.
They are quite possibly the most unflattering garment a girl who has hips and an ass can purchase, but I don't really care because every girl needs a pair of crochet pants to bum around in.
I'm not sure why, but I've been singing "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner all morning.
Tina's the balls.
Pants- Vintage, Tank- AA, Panties- F21
delicates and papayas

The sun is so bright today that even in the shade it's sunny.
This sounds strange, I know, but it's true.
I didn't feel like trekking to the beach this afternoon so I'm playing in our yard instead.
I think all backyards should come equipped with palm trees and clotheslines.
I have a serious weakness for home decor magazines and have been laying out reading them imaging how I would decorate my dream home.
Sounds so lame, doesn't it?
I just have been so underwhelmed by "fashion" magazines lately I've decided to simply stop purchasing them for some time.
I watched "Mystic River" the other night and it made me homesick for good ole Boston.
I love wicked prahhpa accents, over.served Irish boys, Dunkin Donuts, dirty pubs.... I could go on but I'll spare you.
Top- VS, Flower wreath- Street vendor in Waikiki
not an ocean view

High.rises, innumerable hotels, bustling sidewalks, Chanel, Hermes, Fendi, Dior.... Restaurants open past 8pm.
It's been a pleasant change and I've really enjoyed being here but I do miss Maui and it's peaceful, relaxed vibe.
I was up all last night getting sick (I'll spare you the details) but since I'm a beacher-extraordinaire, I spent today basking in the sun on Waikiki Beach despite still feeling a bit queasy.
While I had my head in the toilet, the boy went out to get me ginger ale and crackers and on his journey back a group of prostitutes started hustling him and asking if he needed a date. Despite my pain, I died of laughter. Hookers in Hawaii have it all figured out- layout and surf all day and hustle at night without having to worry about how to stay warm in their profession's mandatory attire come the winter.
Oahu attracts a large number of tourists from Korea and Japan, and the boy could not be more excited because this means he can practice his Japanese via eavesdropping.
We will be eating breakfast and my sinking feelings that I'm being ignored are justified when I look at him and see him straining so as to not miss a single word, looks at me, and instantly apologizes and asks me what I said.
Sarong- Calypso
bird's eye view
palm tree listen

I'm a crazy cat lady. But I'm OK with it. Those shall remain nameless who don't appreciate my little cottage pussies.
It's too hot to do research.
I just want to plop in front of the AC with a never.ending supply of popsicles and beer.
Seeking motivation... If you have any can I borrow some?
This tunic reminds me Phoebe and Stella era Chloe collections-- shamelessly infused with eyelet. MMMMM.
It's strange- I used to be able to do work anywhere. You could post me on a stool at a noisy bar, a cubby.desk in the university library, or my bed surrounded by pillows and blankets and I could concentrate easily. Now, with no structure or responsibilities of any capacity, I'd be dammed if I can get through a straight hour of reading etc. without needing a break or temporary distraction.
It's a horrible mockery of these free months I alloted myself.
No responsibilities apparently equal limited efficiency.
Tunic- vintage
bar people are my my favorite people
Big Beach at Makena.
Photobucket deleted every photo I uploaded from yesterday, save this lone soldier...
So funny I can do nothing but laugh. I'm a security threat. HA. Overall I could care less about what people think about my lack of appropriate clothing- I'm on vacation in Hawaii for christs sake.
You better bet I'm going to be half.naked as much as I can, while I can. Because before you know it, I'll be back in icy New York longing for a roll in the sand. I don't believe in regrets; never mind regrets for appropriateness' sake.

After the surf & sand, we had a slow, lazy lunch at a local burger joint.
Wrote down my all.time favorite spirits on a cocktail napkin-
Favorite Whiskey- Knappogue Castle or Jameson
Favorite Gin- Hendricks
Favorite Vodka- Boru
Favorite Tequila- Cazadores or Patron Silver
Favorite Bourbon- Woodford Reserve
Favorite White- Chablis
Favorite Red- Can't go wrong with a Bordeaux older than your parents
Favorite Sparkling- ANY
I don't trust people who drink Rum + Never acquired a taste for it = Therefore I don't drink it
I'm getting thirsty... Irish thirsty...
Bikini- VS

My body is aching from hiking the other day- an unpleasant reminder to seriously consider taking up exercise.
- A never.ending glass of Knappogue Castle (neat)
- Pizza from L & B Spumoni in Bedsonhurst (I'm salivating thinking about it)
- My Rene Furterer Karite creme I forgot to pack (stupid.stupid girl)
- The sunshine (MIA today)
- Monsoon Wedding (favorite movie, which I also forget to bring with me)
I saw this two.piece and almost died from laughter.
So ridiculous.
So tacky.
Yet so precious.
It's the perfect island ensemble- I had to own it.
Two.piece- vintage
the master and the newbie
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