The New Yorkers have come and left, returning to the urban island we love so much with bronzed skin and sunnier outlooks.
I, on the other hand, was left with some seriously cropped hair.
My great friend, Rich, cuts and styles hair for friends and rich Park Avenue women when he's not making magic happen in the garment district. Needless to say, he couldn't wait to get his paws on my mane and took off 6+ inches of my hair and about 4 inches from our girlfriend Tia's hair. After he blew-out our styles, I looked like a Studio 54 regular and she looked like a Korean school girl... Both in a bitchingly fabulous way.
Today we welcome the boy's mother for a week and needless to say, I'm scrambling to get our cottage in order before her plane lands.
I have to tackle two loads of laundry, clean our place top to bottom, and dispose of the copious amount of empty vodka and tequila bottles we killed this weekend.

PS- Check out my blinged-out toes. I went in aiming to just get OPI's Sweetheart (tried and true favorite), but left with nail art and glitter upon my piggies. I felt left out when all the employees were decorating each other's nails and wanted in on the fun.
I get it now.
I used to disdain nail art and ruled it for tackiness only, but I truly am a convert... And I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Sarong- Calypso
darling... are you having fun??
I am going to the carribeans but my bf is half convinced I can't adapt.... :(
true... but I am kinda scared I will have nothing to do... what do you do?
I LOVE your sarong.
When's summer...? I wish I was you right now.
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